Melvin Hachinunka was born September 2, 1992 in Mapanza. He grew up in the Mapanza area and attended St. Mark’s Secondary School. Soon after completing school, he applied at New Day as a teacher’s aide. He was hired in July of 2013, and in the years that have followed, we have seen tremendous growth in Melvin. He is now a full-time teacher, teaching Kindergarten and Grade 1 Bible, Science, and Tonga.

Melvin accepted Christ in 2014 and has been a faithful follower of Jesus since that time.  Melvin regularly serves as a translator for our weekly village Bible studies, and he can often be found preaching on Sundays at New Day Church!

Gertrude works part-time in the New Day clothing closet. She helps ensure that the New Day kids have clothes to wear and is always busy exchanging outgrown and broken items with them.

Melvin and Gertrude have two children – Chabota and Choolwe.