Zambia’s educational system is very different from what we know in the West. Children must pay school fees to attend school, and in Grade 7, they take a standardized exam. If they pass, they continue on to school. Higher grades on this exam mean they are accepted into better schools. They are tested again in Grades 9 and 12, only moving to the next grade if they pass the exam. It is every Zambian child’s dream to score well enough on their exams to attend a good boarding school or a University.

New Day has helped many students reach their dreams by providing school fees. When we come across a student with potential and a need, we match them up with a sponsor who pays their school fees. All school fees are deposited directly into the schools’ bank accounts, allowing the students to attend school for a full year, knowing that they will not have to search for funds.

New Day has seen many students graduate from high school, and 2017 will see our first college graduate! As these students see God faithfully provide for their needs, it is our prayer that they will trust Him with all areas of their life.


